
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Andro File Server GA!

Andro File Server is GA

Andro File Server has been released to general availability.

The application allows you to access your phone via FTP, SFTP, SCP and SSH terminal protocols.
This way you can access the filesystem on your device from your workstation.

A prerequisite is that your workstation has access to the network which your phone is using (WiFi, cellular).

How to use

  1. Connect your phone to a WiFi network.
  2. Run the application on your android device
  3. The first screen you'll see is the log screen. This screen shows the ip addresses of your phone and some log data (user login/logout).
  4. Setup the access credentials
  5. Open the account tab and fill in the username and password you intend to use.
    Then click update. The default are dummy/dummy.
  6. Setting up FTP and SSH ports
  7. On the FTP and SSH tabs select the ports you want to use. Do not select ports bellow 1024 and above 65535 as it won't work. When you change a port you have to click the update button. The system will ask you whether to restart the service or not. Answer with yes.
  8. Connect to your phone
  9. Open your favorite FTP, SFTP, SCP or SSH client on your workstation and connect to the WiFi address you saw on the login screen and the port you specified. Now you are ready to exchange files.


  • Connectivity issues
  • Have in mind that most of the cellular i-net providers block some(all) of the ports on your device., so you might experience connectivity issues using the application with cellular internet.
  • SFTP, SCP performance
  • SFTP and SCP protocols are secure protocols. This means that the data between your workstation and your phone is encrypted. Encrypting/Decrypting data is not a fast operation on a mobile phone.
  • Shell
  • The shell your phone provides is not the well known Bash but sh. The shell does not support keyboard shortcuts and arrows.